Sermon 8
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Narration MP3 Narration with Music MP3 Praise and Worship MP3 2 I will bless your name - Darryl Coley

In this sermon the topic of discussion is going to be:
Glorifying God And Jesus Christ In My Body - Which Belong To God And Jesus Christ; As A Constant Desire.

All that are in Christ Jesus have been bought or purchased by HIM for a price; that price being HIS BLOOD[Acts 20:28].

Jesus Christ's, the one who purchased the children of God with HIS BLOOD, constant desire is that the name of GOD THE FATHER be glorified[John 12:28].

As being those that belong unto Jesus Christ, their constant desire should be the same as HIS; that the name of GOD THE FATHER be glorified - thus glorifying Jesus Christ (who is GOD) in their body which belong to HIM[1 Corinthians 6:20].

Do not be ashamed of God, or Jesus Christ, nor the message of the gospel of God that is about Jesus Christ, before GOD or mankind; that would not and does not gloryfy JESUS CHRIST nor GOD THE FATHER[Romans 1:16]. Do not be deceived. GOD WILL BE GLORIFIED[1 Peter 4:16]!

Jesus Christ sought God the Father for glorification[John 17:]. Jesus' followers should seek to be glorified in HIM, and HIM ALONE[1 Corinthians 6:13-19]!

GOD THE FATHER and THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH glorifies THE SON - CHRIST JESUS[John 16:13-1]. Jesus Christ - THE SON glorifies GOD THE FATHER[John 13:31-32] IN US[2 Thessalonians 1:12]. This is why all that are in CHRIST JESUS should desire that Jesus Christ be constantly glorified by and through the life they live; or put another way, in them.

By allowing the light of God to shine through them[Mathew 5:16], their Father in heaven is glorified. Whatever is done by mankind should be done unto the glory of God, and Jesus Christ[1 Peter 4:11]. Amen.

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