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1) THE DOCTRINE OF SALVATION: What Is Salvation? Do I Need Salvation? How Do I Get Salvation? After I Get Salvation, Can I Lose It? After I Have Salvation, What Do I Do With It? These are some of the questions regarding this doctrine. Salvation is of the heart. The mind (spirit) is of the heart. The mind of mankind is within the body, but can not be seen by the pyhsical human eye; it is spirit. Prov.23:7 says "as one thinks in their heart (mind/spirit), so they are". Mathew12:34 says "out of the abundance of the heart (mind/spirit), the mouth speaks". Mathew 12:35 speaking of the heart (spirit/mind) says wicked and evil thoughts flow from it. And, also in, Mathew 15:19 and Jer. 17:9 it mention that the heart (mind/spirit) is deceitful and wicked, and asks the question; who can know it? These scriptures could be....(pardon the pun)....disheartening were it not for the knowledge of the following facts: the originator and creator of the heart, can know it; God the possesor of the heart can know it; and even I can know it. Matter of fact, anyone involved in the experiences of the heart can know it. The heart (mind/spirit) has also to do with knowledge. Thoughts are based upon aquired knowledge. Thoughts can be good or bad, right or wrong; this determination occurs within the heart (mind/spirit). Take the following illustration as an example: Because of a posted miles per hour speed limit sign along a stretch of highway reads "SPEED LIMIT 55 MPH", I aquire the knowledge of the posted speed limit thereby. Is this knowledge good or bad?; right or wrong? As I ponder this in my heart (mind/spirit), the [final] determination rest with me. How do I know if this knowledge I've aquired is accurate, or not? The "SPEED LIMIT 55 MPH" law may have been changed to a "SPEED LIMIT 65 MPH" law. I may or may not be aware (have the knowledge thereof) of that fact; yet the determination rest upon me, within my (heart) mind, within my spirit; whether or not I will choose to abide by, honor, and adhere to this posted "SPEED LIMIT 55 MPH" law. WELL....Circumstances being as they are (I happen to be in a hurry - reason being legitimate or illegitimate, true or not true, necessary or unnecessary), I determine not to honor, abide by, or adhere to the along this strecth of road, posted "SPEED LIMIT 55 MPH" law. No!, I don't get a speeding ticket as a result of my choice; that would be the easy out here. What I get is the knowledge in my heart, mind, and spirit that "I am a law breaker". Righteous or not, that is what I am, and that is what I will be - for eternity; and in my heart, mind, and spirit, I know this. Even though I determine to ignore my heart, mind, and spirit; it will forever know that "I am a law breaker". If you are reading this, you may be wondering; what is the point of this tale? It is this....We all engage in these type matters of the heart daily. They may be in regard to our jobs, family members, neighbors, and even the brethren. And in our heart, mind, and spirit, we know what we have done. We may reason, "no one knows that I have done, what I have done". But, somebody will always know! NOW, what is the healthy way to handle, deal with, and resolve these issues of the heart, mind, or spirit? The answer is in one word; and that one word is - SALVATION; and salvation is ONLY THROUGH THE LORD AND SAVIOR JESUS THE CHRIST. Romans 10:9 tells us how to get the SALVATION we so crave. It says, "that if you will confess with your mouth, JESUS IS LORD, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved"; or put another way, receive SALVATION. Send Us Your Thoughts And/Or Comments: |
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